Публикация:Шатилов 2012 A Tightly-Coupled GNSS/IMU Integration Algorithm for Multi-Purpose INS

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Shatilov, A. Y., Nagin, I. A. A Tightly-Coupled GNSS/IMU Integration Algorithm for Multi-Purpose INS // Proc. ION GNSS. — 2012. — Pp. 867-873.

   author = "Shatilov, A. Y. and Nagin, I. A.",
   title = "A Tightly-Coupled GNSS/IMU Integration Algorithm for Multi-Purpose INS",
   journal = "Proc. ION GNSS",
   pages = "867-873",
   year = "2012",
   language = english


A tightly-coupled GNSS/INS integration algorithm has been developed. It implements an approach where user dynamics model is expressed via accelerometer and gyro measurements. That resulted in higher computational efficiency and seamless filter design. In proposed algorithm INS data is fed into receiver’s tracking loops to compensate line-of-sight dynamics and tighten their bandwidths. It increases the receiver’s sensitivity and antijam capability. From the other hand, receiver’s PVT (Position, Velocity, Time) output allowed to estimate and compensate IMU errors – that resulted in more precise INS navigation solution in standalone mode (during GNSS outages). The development and simulation results for the proposed algorithm with tactical-grade IMU are presented in this paper.


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